Gina’s Journey for Wellness Week 1

I feel good, like I knew that I would! I can hear James Brown now as I I am off to a good start, determined to follow through with my commitment to regain my momentum in August on our Journey into Winning with Wellness.  I lacked motivation with summer heat and recharging after a busy season. So, I created the August Win with Wellness to jumpstart me again, and maybe you too. Starting fresh on Thursday the 1st

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Win with Wellness

August is a time that seems to take me off track of my usual healthy routines. Maybe it’s the heat or the old patterns of wrapping up summer plans. So, I am starting my 30 Day Wellness Winner ~ August Activities plan to motivate me to reboot and keep my momentum for what makes me feel best. Every time I see something that says 30 Day Challenge I cringe, feeling

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