All This Talk About Love

I chose this quote for our well known holiday this week, Valentine's Day. Originally based on Saint Valentine with legends of feasts to honor him and ceremonies with romance in bloom. There are legends of his purple amethyst (February's birthstone) ring with cupid engraved on it and him cutting out the first paper valentine as a gesture of love for someone.
Your heart communicates with your brain as a 2 way street and one needs the other to survive. They connect physically and emotionally through the nervous system, our hormones, energy pulse waves and electromagnetic fields. These major organs are like a marriage. Proper balance between them allows potential love power experiences. Pay attention to how they interact and guide you by tuning in, stay connected.
Our world needs and thrives on LOVE to eliminate F.E.A.R, (false evidence appearing real). Whether you are in a romantic relationship or otherwise, we can share love with all living things and create more harmony, one heart and love gesture has magnificent and endless power. Grab an amethyst, create a valentine, share your love.
With Love,
Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N